February Love
Greetings Dear Readers,
So what happened in the Love is in the Air month? Our raiding team is still busy working their way in Heart of Fear (those bugs still freak me out) while we all await the upcoming 5.2 patch. We’ve also completed some achievements in Heroic Black Wing Descent and Icecrown. There’s also a new obsession in the guild – pet battles! It was suggested we should be called “Petlude” instead… congratz to Sfendourax and Dragone on being 1st and 2nd on the realm and also Mozz, Stmaria and Blindio on being in the top 20.

A big warm hug to the new members: Depraved, Huntchi and Spreadem.
This week I would like to host a small competition for our guild members, so listen up…
The first person who sends me, Pollon (on this char ONLY), ONE in-game mail with ALL the following items wins an aweeeesome prize:
Troll Sweat
Footman’s Waterskin
Bowels ‘n’ Brains
Good luck and so long from your one and only female dwarf.